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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Family Activity--Sledding

Though it has been an unusually warm winter so far this year (knock on wood so I don't jinx us with a whopper of a storm now!), as soon as there was even a smidge of snow, we headed to our favorite sledding hill early this past week.  Everyone, young and old, gets into the act here as there are both steep and small hills.  The cold of winter, sometimes bitter in past years, tends to keep people in their homes.  But the snow brings many people out from isolation; they all come to sled at the best spot in town and visit with neighbors they haven't seen in a little while. 
We have a huge open area, with many good sledding hills, near our town.

As soon as the kids clamber back up the hill...

...they ready themselves...and sled right back down, laughing.

Of course, no outing in the cold would be complete without
hot chocolate and whipped cream! 

The best part about sledding, besides being FREE (Wa-hoo!), is all the great outdoor
physical activity (the kids sleep good that night), the visits with neighbors and friends, and all the smiles and laughter. 


  1. What a nice open area. Looks like you had fun out there!

    Anyways, I'd just like you to know that I've added your blog to my blog community Susan. See Blogroll. Most of my blog friends are there. :)

    1. Cherry, thank you so much! You are so kind! I hope that all is going well with you! Best wishes to you!

  2. Hi Susan, how's the family? Just dropping by to say happy Valentine's Day! :)

    Always, Cherry.
