Only time will tell if we can bring our crazy, hyperextended family together...BETTER! Come share our laughs and struggles as we test tips, tricks, and tools-of-the-trade in our quest for a more fabulous family life.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Twelve Days of Christmas

During the twelve days of Christmas, my true loves' gave to me:                                                   

....a handmade vase by my oldest son--although we have no idea how he could have brought this home without us knowing and put it in his closet without breaking it!  Yikes!

....four car breakdowns--luckily close to home

... eight pounds lost in three weeks.  This was the only good part about the stubborn case of pneumonia I’ve been nursing all December.  I’ve been trying to lose those eight pounds for forever!

...forty-seven cards and letters from across the country

....eight pounds gained back in four days.  Easy go, easy come…especially when my mother and my MIL decided to help me by making umpteen cookie trays and leaving them at my house right there for me to sneak from when no one is looking!  Lesson to all...don’t put those cookies in front of an ill carboholic! Italian-American Christmas Eve celebration at my BIL’s house complete with my husband’s uncles, aunts, and cousins all teasing each other about their card-playing expertise (or non-expertise depending on who you talk to) favorite holiday decorations—all borrowed from the outdoors. 
  .,..a seven cheese quiche made by my son, CK, for his French class and drooled over by the rest of us.  True to form, he decided to make it at 9:30p.m. the night before class, but we didn't care.  I think I gained a pound just inhaling the smell of it!  We heard his teacher ate three pieces!
... surprises--our relatives in Chicago sent us a painting of our ancestor’s house in Massachusetts as a reminder of our extended family’s time together this past summer toppled tree.  Our tree crashed twice before we decided we needed to take it down to save our ornaments from breaking!

...a three hundred and fifty piece puzzle of Central Park.  We have yet to finish…

... thirty-five guests for favorite way to celebrate the day!  We had a full house who not only celebrated Christmas, but also the sixth day of Hanukkah, together.  It was wonderful to visit with people we hadn't seen in weeks and months, all together on the special day. 

All in all, the best gift was time to feed the soul with family, friends, free-time pursuits, memorials to all who have passed, memories of the past year, and celebrations of blessings.  May your holidays be filled with all that you find dear. 

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